Brekke & Strand shall conduct all business in a responsible manner; a sound way of ensuring human health, safety and the environment, preserving the environment and quality of the products and services we provide to the market. To achieve this, we use Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) management systems designed to enable us to:
- comply with regulatory requirements and other relevant requirements
- fulfill the customer’s expectation of expertise, within our profession
- provide better service than the customer expects of us
- establish requirements specifications and solutions that harmonize with the project’s objectives
- apply national and international standards and methods in our assessments
- run a systematic competency process. Competence should be our competitive advantage to demonstrate that quality is the responsibility of all employees.
- drive a continuous improvement process of our quality system
We want to show our customers that we have a clear environmental focus in our assignments (externally) and within our firm (internally):
- We comply with regulatory requirements and other relevant environmental requirements
- Our environmental management system is certified to a recognized standard
- We put the environment on the agenda in our assignments
- We promote good health and quality of life in our work to create good living environments with respect to noise
- We promote sustainable cities and communities by actively working to ensure that noise is a priority on the agenda
- We look for partners that focus on innovative thinking within the field of environmental impact
- We work continuously to improve our environmental management system and reduce our own environmental impact
A good and safe working environment is important to Brekke & Strand:
- We must comply with regulatory requirements and other relevant requirements
- The protection service should be consulted and involved in matters relating to the working environment
- Everyone should feel that they are part of Brekke & Strand
- Brekke & Strand should be a good place to work
- We will systematically improve the working environment, health and safety
- Ongoing processes in the management team should be transparent and communicated to everyone
- There must be predictability in the working relationship
The management system in Brekke & Strand has been prepared and implemented in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015 on quality management and meets the relevant requirements laid down by the Planning and Building Act.
Head of HSEQ Tove Magnussen & Frøydis Espedal. CEO Brekke & Strand Akustikk AS